Business skill training

Current one-day training sessions for your business mastery.


SPECIAL OFFER: Save 100 € if you apply for three training sessions. Or if you bring along two other participants.


Manage your time and productivity effectively: Be a high achiever

25 Sep 2024

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Leverage practical psychology in your social media and website marketing

23 Oct 2024

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Develop your inevitable sales strategy

27 Nov 2024

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Managing fear in tough business situations

26 Feb 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Managing conflicts and misunderstandings in hybrid workplaces

26 Mar 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Giving and receiving feedback for management champions

23 Apr 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Manager as a coach: Be an impactful leader

14 May 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Emotional intelligence: A must in today's business

4 Jun 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

This is a one-day training that lasts 7:30 h, including two short breaks and a lunch break in between:

NOTE: If you want a customized training just for your company online or on your premises, please contact us.


Training content


Do you feel like this?

  • Drowning in to-dos? There’s never enough time, and your days are a blur of tough deadlines and frantic firefighting.
  • Organized like a hurricane? Your workspace (and mind) resembles a disaster zone, making focus and efficiency elusive dreams.
  • Always on call? The pressure to be constantly available is crushing your creativity and personal life.
  • Feeling overwhelmed and stressed? You’re putting in the hours, but your team isn’t meeting expectations, and profitability is stagnant.

You’re not alone! In today’s fast-paced world, many teams struggle with these challenges. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Our time management and productivity training can help you:

  • Take control of your time: Learn powerful prioritization techniques, effective scheduling strategies, and tools to eliminate time-wasters..
  • Organize your chaos: Discover systems for streamlining your workflow, managing information overload, and conquering clutter (both physical and mental).
  • Cultivate calm: Develop stress-management skills, build boundaries, and create a work environment that fosters focus and well-being.
  • Hit your targets: Increase team collaboration, communication, and accountability to achieve goals consistently and efficiently.
  • Spark innovation: Foster a culture of creative thinking and problem-solving that drives profitability and competitive advantage.

Our training is designed for leaders and teams who are ready to:

  • Break free from the cycle of reactivity and overwhelm.
  • Embrace proactive planning and strategic execution.
  • Build a thriving, high-performing work environment.

Stop extinguishing fires and start building the future you deserve.

Remember, you have the power to create a work environment that fuels success, not stress. Take the first step today.

Register now for our time management and productivity training that can transform your entire business.


Are your social media campaigns falling flat? Feeling lost in the ever-changing digital landscape? You’re not alone. Most marketing strategies miss the mark because they’re based on demographics, not minds. They bombard audiences with generic messages that fail to resonate, connect, or convert.

But what if you could harness the power of buyer psychology to:

  • Craft campaigns that speak directly to your audience’s deepest desires and fears.
  • Read between the lines of online behavior and predict what motivates clicks and buys.
  • Build trust and authentic relationships, paving the way for long-term loyalty.
  • Adapt to evolving trends with uncanny accuracy, always staying ahead of the curve.

Our practical psychology training for social media and website marketing reveals the secrets behind:

  • The hidden psychology of buying decisions: Understand what truly drives clicks, shares, and purchases on a subconscious level.
  • The science of influence & persuasion: Master ethical techniques to gently guide customers towards your offerings, without resorting to manipulation.
  • Decoding online behavior: Learn to decipher the hidden meaning behind clicks, comments, and social media engagement.
  • The future of consumer trends: Predict what’s next in the digital world and tailor your strategies accordingly.
  • Building brand affinity & trust: Forge genuine connections with your audience, foster loyalty, and turn customers into passionate advocates.

Our training is designed for:

  • Business owners who want to understand their customers on a deeper level and build lasting relationships.
  • Anyone who wants to master the art of influence and persuasion in the digital age.
  • Marketing practitioners who want to break free from outdated tactics and embrace the power of psychology.

Invest in your future. Invest in practical psychology for social media and website marketing.

Remember, the key to success in the digital world is understanding the human mind. Let psychology be your compass, and watch your marketing soar.

Register now for our training to leverage practical psychology in your social media and website marketing. And transform your entire business.


Are you tired of random sales efforts and stagnant growth? Feeling like you’re throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping some will stick? You’re not alone. Many businesses struggle with attracting the right customers, navigating convoluted sales processes, and maximizing their return on investment.

But what if there was a roadmap? A clear, data-driven plan that helps you identify your ideal audience, streamline your sales funnel, and unlock explosive growth?

Our sales strategy development training is your compass. We’ll equip you with the tools and insights to:

**Leverage farming and hunting**

  • Farming means nurturing long-term leads through valuable educational content and understanding your ideal client’s pain points and crafting messages that address them. Learn how to offer insights and expertise without the hard sell.
  • Hunting means targeted outreach to specific high-value clients by utilizing your existing network and data-driven tools to identify promising leads. Then, craft your personalized messages to showcase your unique strengths and address the client’s specific needs, thus paving the way for direct conversions.

**Pinpoint Your Perfect Buyer**

  • Ditch the demographics guessing game. Go beyond age and income to understand your ideal customer’s deepest desires, hidden pain points, and buying triggers.
  • Craft buyer personas so vivid, you’ll feel like you’re sitting across from them in a coffee shop.
  • Decoding online behavior: Learn to decipher the hidden meaning behind clicks, comments, and social media engagement.
  • Attract qualified leads like a magnet. Forget wasting time on the wrong prospects. Focus your efforts on individuals who are primed to convert.

**Streamline Your Sales Funnel**

  • Transform your sales process from labyrinthine maze to smooth, frictionless path. Identify and eliminate bottlenecks, optimize every step, and guide leads seamlessly from awareness to purchase.
  • Leverage cutting-edge technology to automate repetitive tasks and free up your team to focus on what matters most: building relationships and closing deals.
  • Turn every touchpoint into a conversion opportunity. From website interactions to email sequences, make every step of the journey count.

Our training is designed for:

  • Entrepreneurs who want to turn their business into a thriving farm.
  • Sales leaders seeking to cultivate a winning sales culture.
  • All professionals hungry to sharpen their skills and bag bigger deals.

Our training isn’t just theory. We provide you with practical frameworks, actionable tools, and real-world case studies to ensure you leave with a concrete plan for immediate implementation.

Ready to transform your sales efforts and unlock explosive growth?

Register now for our inevitable sales strategy development training that can transform your entire business.


Do you ever feel like fear is holding you back? Fear of failure, of the unknown, of competition, of even success itself? You’re not alone. These anxieties are common threads woven into the fabric of the entrepreneurial journey.

But what if you could untangle these fears and transform them into fuel for growth? What if you could face your anxieties head-on and emerge stronger, more confident, and ready to take your company to the next level?

We offer a unique training program designed specifically for companies like yours, helping you conquer fear and unlock your full potential.

We understand your fears:

  • The fear of failure: We’ll teach you how to reframe mistakes as stepping stones and embrace risks as opportunities for growth.
  • The fear of the unknown: We’ll equip you with tools to navigate change, adapt to new technologies, and thrive in uncertain times.
  • The constant weight of financial worries: We’ll help you develop strategies for managing cash flow, and making informed financial decisions.
  • The looming shadow of competition: We’ll show you how to leverage your strengths, differentiate yourself, and build a sustainable competitive advantage.
  • The challenges of managing people: We’ll provide you with the skills to build trust, motivate your team, and create a positive, productive work environment.
  • The paradox of success fear: We’ll help you manage the pressure of growth, embrace challenges, and build confidence to lead your COMPANY to even greater heights.

Our fear management training isn’t just about overcoming fear, it can help you with:

  • Boosting your confidence and decision-making: Be a fearless leader, make bold choices with clarity, and inspire your team with your unwavering belief.
  • Unleashing your creativity and innovation: so vivid, you’ll feel like you’re sitting across from them in a coffee shop.
  • Decoding online behavior: Embrace new ideas, experiment with confidence, and build a thriving culture of innovation within your company.
  • Strengthening your resilience and adaptability: Weather any storm, navigate challenges with grace, and emerge from setbacks stronger than ever before.

Our training is designed for:

  • Business owners who want to face upcoming challenges with confidence.
  • Professionals who want to bravely make decisions and exude security.
  • Managers who want to be a leader who don’t let fear control them.

Let’s turn your fears into fuel and power your company to success.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. We’re here to help you conquer your fears and unlock your true potential.

Register now for our fear management training and take the first step towards a fearless and fulfilling future for your business.


In today’s dynamic business environment, hybrid workplaces have become increasingly common. This blended approach to work offers flexibility and convenience for both employees and employers, but it also presents unique challenges, particularly in the realm of communication and conflict resolution.

How do you deal with these causes of conflict and misunderstanding now?

  1. Reduced communication and collaboration
  2. Misinterpretation of communication
  3. Differing work styles and expectations
  4. Lack of clear expectations and protocols
  5. Differing cultural norms
  6. Emotional distance and isolation
  7. Lack of transparency and openness
  8. Ineffective conflict resolution strategies

Addressing the challenges of hybrid work

The training “Managing conflicts and misunderstandings in hybrid workplaces” tackles these common causes and challenges head-on, providing participants with practical strategies to navigate the complexities of hybrid work successfully. The training covers a wide range of topics, including:

Effective communication strategies: Participants learn how to communicate clearly and concisely in both in-person and virtual settings, using active listening, empathetic responses, and respectful language.

Conflict resolution techniques: Employees gain the skills to identify and manage conflict constructively, de-escalating tensions and finding mutually agreeable solutions.

Building trust and collaboration: Leaders and managers learn how to foster a sense of belonging and engagement among hybrid teams, promoting open communication and collaboration.

Establishing clear expectations and protocols: Participants understand the importance of establishing clear expectations and protocols for both in-person and remote employees, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards common goals.

Benefits of the training

By participating in this comprehensive training, managers, professionals, and all employees can reap numerous benefits, including:

Enhanced communication and collaboration: Participants develop effective communication strategies that bridge the gap between in-person and virtual interactions, fostering stronger team dynamics.

Reduced isolation and detachment: The training promotes open communication and collaboration across all work locations, minimizing feelings of isolation and fostering a sense of belonging.

Improved conflict resolution skills: Employees learn effective conflict resolution techniques that help them navigate disagreements constructively, resolving conflicts quickly and effectively.

Increased productivity and efficiency: Participants gain strategies for managing conflict and preventing misunderstandings, allowing them to focus on their core responsibilities and contribute to productivity.

Enhanced work-life balance: The training emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance in hybrid workplaces, promoting overall well-being and productivity.

Embrace the hybrid workplace with confidence

In conclusion, the training “Managing conflicts and misunderstandings in hybrid workplaces” empowers managers, professionals, and all employees to navigate the challenges and opportunities of hybrid work with confidence. By equipping them with the skills and strategies they need to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts constructively, and foster a positive work environment, the training helps organizations thrive in the dynamic and evolving world of work.

Our training is designed for:

  • Managers who want to prevent conflict and know how to resolve it if it happens.
  • Professionals who don’t want to avoid conflicts to sweep problems under the carpet.
  • All employees who want to work in a frictionless workplace as much as possible.

Let’s turn your conflicts into fuel and power your company to success.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. We’re here to help you overcome conflicts and misunderstandings and focus on business progress.

Register now for our conflict and misunderstanding management training and take the first step towards a frictionless future for your business.


Effective feedback is crucial for fostering employee development, improving team performance, and creating a positive and productive work environment. However, many managers struggle to provide and receive feedback effectively, which can hinder employee growth and organizational success.

This training is designed specifically for CEOs and middle managers of SMEs who seek to enhance their feedback skills and elevate the overall feedback culture within their organizations. Through a blend of theoretical concepts, practical exercises, and real-world examples, participants will gain the knowledge and tools they need to become effective feedback champions.

Addressing common feedback challenges

This training tackles the most common challenges faced by managers when providing and receiving feedback:

  • Difficulty giving negative feedback: Many managers avoid giving negative feedback out of fear of hurting employees’ feelings or damaging their morale. However, constructive criticism is often necessary to help employees identify areas for improvement and reach their full potential.
  • Giving feedback that is not specific or actionable: Generic feedback like “You’re doing a good job” or “You need to work on your presentation skills” is not helpful for employees. Instead, feedback should be specific and actionable, such as “You’re doing a great job of presenting the data, but you could improve your delivery by using more gestures and facial expressions.”
  • Giving feedback too late: Feedback is most effective when it is given as close to the event as possible. This way, the employee can still remember what they did and how they can improve their performance in the future.
  • Not providing a safe and supportive environment for feedback: Employees are more likely to be open to feedback if they feel that it is coming from a place of care and respect. Managers should create a safe and supportive environment where employees feel comfortable giving and receiving feedback.
  • Not being able to receive feedback effectively: Some people are simply not good at receiving feedback. They may become defensive, angry, or dismissive. This can make it difficult for managers to provide them with the feedback they need to improve.

Transforming feedback into a driving force for success

This training provides participants with a comprehensive framework for effective feedback, enabling them to:

  • Deliver constructive criticism with empathy and respect
  • Craft actionable feedback that guides employee improvement
  • Establish a culture of open and honest feedback
  • Receive feedback effectively and use it for personal growth

By mastering these skills, participants will become empowered to transform feedback into a powerful tool for employee development, team performance enhancement, and organizational success.

Benefits of the training

Investing in this training will yield numerous benefits for CEOs, managers, and their organizations:

  • Enhanced employee engagement and motivation
  • Improved team collaboration and productivity
  • Strengthened organizational culture and communication
  • Reduced employee turnover and increased retention
  • Accelerated organizational growth and success

Our training is designed for:

  • CEOs and managers seeking to enhance their feedback skills and elevate the overall feedback culture within their organizations.
  • Professionals who want to become more effective at providing and receiving feedback
  • Individuals who desire to enhance their communication and interpersonal skills

Let’s turn your feedback into power for your company’s success

Remember, you’re not alone in this. We’re here to help you not only give and receive feedback effectively but make it your standard.

Register now for our feedback giving and receiving training and take the first step towards a thriving company culture.


In today’s competitive business landscape, organizations are constantly seeking ways to enhance employee performance, boost morale, and foster a culture of growth and innovation. One of the most effective strategies for achieving these goals is to empower managers to adopt a coaching approach.

The “Manager as a coach: Be an impactful leader” training is designed specifically for CEOs and middle managers of SMEs who are ready to transform their leadership style and unlock the full potential of their teams. By mastering four crucial skills – listening, support, feedback, and asking questions – managers can become effective catalysts for employee growth and development.

Unlocking the power of listening:

Effective listening is the foundation of strong relationships and effective communication. In a coaching environment, active listening goes beyond simply hearing what employees say; it’s about understanding their perspectives, concerns, and aspirations. Managers who actively listen demonstrate empathy, build trust, and create a safe space for employees to share their ideas and concerns without fear of judgment.

Providing supportive guidance:

Employees thrive in a supportive environment where they feel valued, encouraged, and empowered to take on new challenges. Managers as coaches play a pivotal role in providing this support by offering encouragement, acknowledging achievements, and helping employees overcome obstacles. By creating a supportive learning environment, managers can foster a sense of belonging and inspire employees to reach their full potential.

Crafting empowering feedback:

Feedback is an essential tool for employee development, but it’s often delivered in a way that can be perceived as negative or demoralizing. Effective feedback should be specific, actionable, and delivered with a focus on growth. Managers who provide constructive feedback help employees identify areas for improvement, set realistic goals, and develop the skills they need to succeed.

Promoting thoughtful questioning:

Questioning is a powerful tool for stimulating critical thinking, encouraging reflection, and uncovering hidden potential. Managers who ask insightful questions challenge employees to think outside the box, explore new perspectives, and develop their problem-solving skills. By fostering a culture of open-ended questioning, managers can empower employees to become more engaged, innovative, and self-directed learners.

Benefits of adopting a coaching approach

The “Manager as a coach: Be an impactful leader” training equips managers with the skills and strategies to:

  • Enhance employee engagement and motivation: By fostering a supportive and growth-oriented environment, managers can ignite a passion for learning and encourage employees to take ownership of their professional development.
  • Boost employee morale and satisfaction: When employees feel valued, supported, and challenged, they are more likely to be engaged, productive, and satisfied with their work.
  • Unleash employee potential: By providing coaching and guidance, managers can help employees identify their strengths, overcome weaknesses, and achieve their full potential.
  • Reduce self-doubt and low self-esteem: A supportive coaching environment can help employees build confidence, overcome self-limiting beliefs, and achieve greater success.

Empowering managers to transform organizations

The “Manager as a coach: Be an impactful leader” training empowers managers to become catalysts for positive change within their organizations. By adopting a coaching approach, managers can:

  • Foster a culture of continuous learning: A coaching mindset encourages an ongoing pursuit of knowledge and development, leading to a more innovative and adaptable organization.
  • Craft actionable feedback that guides employee improvement
  • Improve team collaboration and performance: By fostering strong relationships and effective communication, managers can create high-performing teams that achieve shared goals.
  • Attract and retain top talent: A coaching culture demonstrates the organization’s commitment to employee development, making it an attractive place for top talent to thrive.

Our training is designed for:

  • CEOs and managers of SMEs who are ready to adopt a coaching approach to leadership
  • Professionals who want to enhance their coaching skills and empower their teams
  • Organizations seeking to create a culture of growth and innovation

Let’s make your coaching approach your success accelerator.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. We’re here to help you inspire your people. Never let anyone feel stuck in a rut.

Register now for our “Manager as a coach: Be an impactful leader” training and transform your leadership style, empower your employees, and unleash the full potential of your organization.


In today’s dynamic and demanding business environment, the ability to navigate complex situations, build strong relationships, and lead effectively has become increasingly crucial. A key ingredient for success in this challenging landscape is emotional intelligence (EI), the ability to understand, manage, and express emotions effectively.

Emotional intelligence is not just about managing your own emotions; it’s also about understanding the emotions of others and using that understanding to build better relationships, foster collaboration, and create a positive and productive work environment.

Our “Emotional intelligence: A must in today’s business” training is designed specifically for CEOs and middle managers of SMEs who are ready to enhance their emotional intelligence skills and take their leadership to the next level.

Key topics Covered

Understanding your own emotions: Learn how to recognize and understand your own emotions, both positive and negative. This will help you manage your emotions effectively and prevent them from negatively impacting your work and relationships.

Understanding the emotions of people on your team: Develop the ability to read the emotions of others, both verbally and nonverbally. This will help you build stronger relationships, resolve conflicts more effectively, and provide better support to your team members.

Developing an emotional culture in the company: Create a workplace culture where emotions are valued and respected. This will foster a more positive and productive work environment for everyone.

Emotional intelligence in everyday situations: Learn how to apply your emotional intelligence skills in various everyday situations, such as:

  • Stressful moments: Manage stress effectively to maintain composure and make sound decisions under pressure.
  • Difficult conversations: Approach difficult conversations with empathy, understanding, and a focus on finding common ground.
  • Emails and meetings: Communicate effectively in both written and verbal forms, considering the emotional impact of your words and tone.
  • Toxic behaviors: Recognize and address toxic behaviors in the workplace, promoting a respectful and inclusive environment.

Benefits of enhanced emotional intelligence

Increased self-awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of your own emotions, motivations, and strengths.

Improved communication: Communicate more effectively with empathy, understanding, and clarity.

Stronger relationships: Build stronger relationships with colleagues, clients, and partners.

Enhanced problem-solving: Approach problems with a more balanced and objective perspective.

Effective decision-making: Make better decisions under pressure, considering both emotional and logical factors.

Increased productivity: Enhance productivity and achieve better results through improved focus and motivation.

Reduced conflict: Reduce conflict and foster a more harmonious and collaborative work environment.

Embark on your emotional intelligence journey

Join our “Emotional intelligence: A must in today’s business” training and unlock the power of emotional intelligence to enrich your leadership approach, empower your teams, and drive organizational success.

Our training is designed for:

  • CEOs and managers of SMEs who are ready to enhance their emotional intelligence skills and improve their leadership effectiveness.
  • Professionals who want to develop their emotional intelligence to navigate complex situations and build stronger relationships in the workplace.
  • Organizations seeking to cultivate a culture of emotional intelligence and foster a more positive and productive work environment.

Let’s turn your emotional intelligence into your superpower.

Remember, you’re not alone in this. We’re here to help you strengthen your soft skills that give you the power to succeed.

Register now for our emotional intelligence training and take the first step towards a thriving organizational climate.


Zoran Metikoš

Zoran Metikoš

Zoran Metikoš is a linguist, executive MBA, professional coach and certified NLP trainer. He helps language service providers (LSPs) grow as businesses and their employees grow as professionals in terms of sales and marketing strategies and tactics as well as inevitable business skills in today’s economy (time management, productivity, fear and conflict management, giving and receiving feedback, coaching for managers, emotional intelligence). Zoran and his colleagues at Profecta BDI know how LSPs breathe, which is why creating results and a progressive company culture for their clients is highly effective.

After graduating with a degree in linguistics and translation in 2003, Zoran Metikoš began working as a translator and translation tool trainer, eventually serving as a project coordinator, business developer, and operations manager at LSPs for 17 years until 2020.

After completing his MBA at the School of Business and Economics in 2015, the idea was born to help many LSPs grow as businesses and professionals and learn how to grow.

Profecta BDI is a consulting, coaching and training institute that helps LSPs grow faster as well as learn how to grow, increase profitability, and maintain stability in the long run. It is a melting pot of knowledge and the long-standing experience of three language industry professionals: Gordana, Dragan and Zoran.

For more information about what you can learn from us, please visit our Academy.


SPECIAL OFFER: Save 100 € if you apply for three training sessions. Or if you bring along two other participants.


Manage your time and productivity effectively: Be a high achiever

25 Sep 2024

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Leverage practical psychology in your social media and website marketing

23 Oct 2024

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Develop your inevitable sales strategy

27 Nov 2024

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Managing fear in tough business situations

26 Feb 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Managing conflicts and misunderstandings in hybrid workplaces

26 Mar 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Giving and receiving feedback for management champions

23 Apr 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Manager as a coach: Be an impactful leader

14 May 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

Emotional intelligence: A must in today's business

4 Jun 2025

9:30 - 17:00 CET
190Register now

In the table above, please click on Register Now button next to your desired training.

Once we receive your registration, we will send you an invoice.

Since the number of spots is limited, your spot cannot be guaranteed until payment for the trainig has been received. This is on a first-come, first-served basis.

Upon your payment you will receive an MS Teams link to the training.

NOTE: If you would like a customized training just for your company, please contact us. Please read our Terms and Conditions as well as Client Satisfaction Guarantee.

Protecting the confidentiality and business interests of our clients is at the forefront of all our business interactions. With the trust that this creates, we establish fruitful and lasting relationships with our clients.